Training & transformation

From skill development workshops to in-depth transformational engagements, all of our work is designed to meet your specific needs and desired outcomes. We can help you find which option will best suit you, based on your goals and where you are on your journey.

All Thrive prioritizes relationships and communication, and we use a strength based lens to best capitalize on the skills of your team. We use team-based learning so everyone can grow together, continually practice skills, and hold each other accountable to new outcomes. In our work, you can expect to be a little uncomfortable, as we will dive into the 'meat' of the problems you have been facing. We centre outcomes, not intentions, in order to create real, sustainable change.


All training and transformation engagements are collaboratively designed in order to best suit your needs. To understand what it would look like to design your team's journey, learn more about our process.

In our work with teams, All Thrive has identified 6 key competencies that have the biggest impact on positive or negative outcomes. Our training and transformation engagements focus on developing these skills.

Major culture shifts

Workplace culture is complex, multi-faceted, and deeply ingrained in your day to day work. It is having a daily impact on how your team is engaging. If you have been experiencing major challenges with employee engagement, meeting goals, siloed teams, stress, and employee retention, you may need a major culture shift.

Our culture shifts are a deep dive into your organization. We will be addressing the systems, structures, and leadership foundations that are having the biggest impact on your outcomes. These longer term engagements focus on large scale, long lasting change.

To understand more of the process you will go through, click here.

Leadership alignment

Leadership plays a foundational role in the creation and maintenance of your culture. When the leadership team are lacking critical skills, your employees experience misuses of power, teams become inefficient and siloed, and your organization has poor outcomes.

Our process starts with leadership assessment, and creating a comprehensive impact report. Based on those assessments, we use individual review and team learning in order to develop needed skills.

Our leadership training is based in a foundation of becoming power conscious, situationally responsive, and relationship focused.

people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime
people sitting on chair in front of table while holding pens during daytime
Skill development

In our work with teams, we have identified a set of foundational skills that effect relationships, mental health, outcomes, and organizational impact. Our workshops are half or full day engagements, and are based on our key competencies.

Our workshops will help your team learn to communicate effectively, transform conflict, find alignment, understand power, and foster connection.

Speaking engagements

Our speaking is designed to be an engaging and impactful way to start your teams learning journey. Ideal for larger groups, associations and teams, we ensure that we will create a participatory experience that provides practical reflection and tools. We aim to shift speaking from being 'spoken at', to creating connection, meaning, and real change!